Although global climate change can potentially have profound effects on ecology and evolution in the future, the science related to the climate change debate falls a bit out of the scope of this class. However, as students studying in science-related fields, I think that it is important that you are familiar with, and able to comment intelligently on, the critical scientific debates of the day.
Governor Perry's Comment During a GOP Debate
**I am sorry that I couldn't find a clip on youtube that lacked a "comment" in the title of the video- I'll report, you decide ****
Tech Professor Receives Hate Mail From Climate Change Deniers

I was quite disturbed to learn that her views have led to her receiving hate mail!! If you would like to know more about this then please take a look at the following articles. I think these articles show how misunderstood the process of science is by many Americans!
Texas Tech scientist sees intimidation effort behind barrage of hate mail. http://texasclimatenews.org/wp/?p=4153
Newt Dumps Christian Climate Scientist
Uhm... Dr. McGinley, you should probably stop teaching us about climate change and global warming, seeing as anyone who is concerned about it is the anti-christ.
(By the way... I'm totally being sarcastic!)
Thanks for sending this link. I have never heard of this group before. I find their message to be disturbing, but not surprising.
ReplyDeleteThere appears to be some sharp divisions in the religious community about how people should view their relationship with the environment. I hear that there is a growing evangelical environmental community (see http://creationcare.org/; http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A1491-2005Feb5.html), but it is not clear if this movement has developed a strong presence in Lubbock or not.
Interestingly, the Southern Baptist Convention (hardly the bastion of environmental hippies) has developed a more environmentally favorable focus. See
Southern Baptists Back a Shift on Climate Change.
Following Republican Presidential candidate Rick Santorum's recent comments about theology and the environment I expect this issue to get a lot more discussion and coverage in the media.