On-line homework will account for a portion of your grade for BIOL 1404. You will need to be enrolled in the MasteringBiology website. Below is a message from Dr. Dini explaining what you need to do in order to enroll. Students who took BIOL 1403 here last semester should be familiar with the system. Those of you who are new to BIOL 1404 at Tech might check with fellow students about the on-line homework because they are likely to know much more about it than I do.
The first assignment will be due by 11:59 PM on January 31st. I have posted the first three assignments which relate to the material that will be covered on the first midterm. I will add the four additional assignments that relate to material for the second midterm at a later date.
Mark McG
Dear Student:
In this course you will be using MasteringBiology™, an online tutorial and homework companion to your textbook. It may be useful to print this sheet before you attempt to register.
Students who were enrolled in the on-line homework for BIOL 1403 no longer need their access code, as they are already in the system. They just have to click on the button to enroll in a new course, and it’s done. They merely need the new course’s ID #. New students DO need an access code (unless Mastering Biology was used wherever they took BIOL 1403).
What You Need:
P A valid email address
P A password that you make up (must have 8 characters; at least 1 of these must be a letter and at least one of these must be a number.) If you already have a Pearson Education account (you probably do if you took BIOL 1403 at TTU last semester of if you use MasteringPhysics or MyMathLab), just use the same password.
P A student access code (Comes in the Student Access Kit that may have been packaged with your new textbook or is available separately in your school’s bookstore. Otherwise, you can purchase access online at www.masteringbiology.com.)
P The ZIP code for Texas Tech University: 79409
P The Course ID: MB14042012
P Your TTU ID#: _____________________ (Please DO include the R at the start of your number. Memorize this #, if you have not already done so)
Go to www.masteringbiology.com and click New Students under Register.
· To register using the Student Access Code inside the MasteringBiology Student Access Kit, select Yes, I have an access code. Click Continue.
–OR– Purchase access online: Select No, I need to purchase access online now. Click Continue, and then follow the on-screen instructions to purchase access using a credit card or PayPal. The purchase path includes registration, but the process may differ slightly from the steps printed here.
· License Agreement and Privacy Policy: Click I Accept to indicate that you have read and agree to the license agreement and privacy policy.
· Select the appropriate option under “Do you have a Pearson Education account?” and supply the requested information. If you are taking or have taken Math or Physics classes at TTU that used a Pearson textbook and had on-line assignments, you may already have a Pearson account. If so, you are encouraged to use the same login name and password as before. Upon completion, the Confirmation & Summary page confirms your registration. This information will also be emailed to you for your records. You can either click Log In Now or return to www.masteringbiology.com later.
Log In
Go to www.masteringbiology.com.
Enter your Login Name and Password and click Log In.
Enroll in Your Instructor’s Course and/or Access the Self-Study Area
Upon first login, you’ll be prompted to either:
Enter your instructor’s MasteringBiology Course ID and click Save; OR
Select your text and Go to Study Area
Do the first of these. Under Student ID, you will need to enter your personal TTU R# so that your scores can be recorded and downloaded to the grading spreadsheet.
Congratulations! You have completed registration and have enrolled in your instructor’s MasteringBiology course. To access your course from now on, simply go to www.masteringbiology.com, enter your Login Name and Password, and click Log In. If your instructor has created assignments, you can access them by clicking on the Assignment List button. Otherwise, click on Study Area to access self-study material.
System Requirements & Support
To effectively use the resources on this website, check its system requirements:
Log in to www.masteringbiology.com and click the “System requirements” link at the bottom of the home page. In particular, you may need to check that the latest version of the Flash player is available to your browser.
Customer Support: http://www.masteringbiology.com/support.
Dr. Dini does NOT supply customer service or tech support. If you experience problems with the website, contact the company. You can communicate with customer support via e-mail,
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